Learning Technology

Technology has a high priority at Holy Cross. Teachers and students use a range of technology including laptops, PCs, iPads, and videoconferencing.

In addition to the availability of technology, students are provided with key learning on the use of information skills inclusive of research, analysis and presentation using IT. Staff and students use a range of platforms available through the Office suite. Primary students use SharePoint and cloud-based technologies to work, save and present tasks and presentations. All staff and children use virtual learning via Zoom. Every child has a personal email account for which they are taught appropriate use.

Staff also use the Seesaw and ClassDojo apps to interact with parents and students, provide feedback about classwork and effort, and share exciting happenings in the classroom.


Students from Years 3 to 6 are encouraged to participate in the “bring your own device” (BYOD) program. It ensures their access to IT during school across different areas of learning. We provide recommended specifications for the purchase of devices using the same requirements the feeder high school recommends. This ensures devices can be used in primary and then secondary contexts. Laptop computers and PCs are available for school staff and students to use.

Students must adhere to the Code of Conduct regarding use of IT generally and the internet specifically.